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How to Have Conversations that Create Effective Action and Desired Results

Research has shown that the overriding issues impacting business performance today are how well a Business Team….

  • Communicates
  • Aligns around top initiatives
  • Creates short-term and long-term plans
  • Involves employees, makes clear requests, and effectively manages promises
  • Holds themselves accountable to deliver results.


Increased competency in communication using language, emotions and promise management leads directly to more effective leadership, increased trust, accountability and improved team performance.

Think about it for a moment.


When does the pain of disappointment, discouragement, anger, disillusionment, resentment, frustration generally come into your life or business? What really drags down morale?  Our experience is that it’s primarily when expectations aren’t being met, promises aren’t being fulfilled.

Many people don’t understand how their reality is changed by making a promise, or by someone with authority and power making a new declaration. They don’t realize they’re always at “Choice”.  They don’t know that they have four negotiation options available to them when they are asked to do something.  Many do not realize the value and power of a “No”.


Learning how to make clear, powerful requests that secure promises that can be counted on makes a huge difference in the harmony and productivity of business teams.

As a leader, or effective manager, it’s important to know how to make clear requests and manage promises.  It’s even more important to learn how to secure and manage promises than it is to learn how to delegate.

If you’re experiencing broken promises in your relationships, and production breakdowns in your business because promises aren’t being kept, and there appears to be no accountability, you’ll be very pleased with the results of these learning sessions.


Learning requires practice and an effective coach.

Many things learned, like bike riding, golf or fly fishing require practice.  While you may become aware of what to do by someone telling you, or through reading books and looking at videos, certain tasks can only be through practice. A coach serves as an outside observer and can make sure you’re practicing the right thing. Learning how to make clear requests and manage promises effectively requires practice!


Communication breakdowns that are addressed in this program are:

  • Requests made but promises are not kept
  • Lack of accountability – deadlines missed – customers are dissatisfied
  • Employee frustration level high and morale low because of broken promises and conflicts


Results you will experience:

  • Management and employees will develop an awareness and understanding of how critical making clear requests, and securing promises that can be counted on are to improving Team performance
  • Improved ability to make clear requests and secure promises that create desired results
  • The ability to clear up problems faster using a common language that everyone understands
  • Improved profitability as a result of a reduction in breakdowns, reworks, and improved employee morale
  • Less “fire fighting” and “rescue team” work
  • Improved personal accountability.
    • People take responsibility for themselves and their actions
    • People effectively manage their promises to each other
    • People become effective at making clear requests
  • Approaches to reduce or eliminate “linguistic viruses” that negatively impact performance.
    • The result is a reduction in the frustration people experience of others not effectively managing their promises
  • Ability to enter into conversations to manage broken promises.


We can support you in integrating these Promise Management and Accountability concepts into your culture and help you create more harmonious, high performing Teams.



If this program is of interest to you, please contact Larry at 612-723-5395 or e-mail him at to explore how the “Conversations that Create Effective Action and Desired Results” program can help you improve your organization’s performance and kiss your annoying communication problems goodbye.


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